Season 3, Episode 8: Foiled Again

Season 3, Episode #8 features Higgins taking center stage for the first time since Season 2, Episode 7's "Tropical Madness". Both episodes featured Higgins trying to protect women he was infatuated with, but at least with "Foiled Again", Higgins plays the fool for a woman his own age. The episode starts off with a flashback to a British boarding school where a young Jonathan Higgins is being bullied by a classmate named Willy. Back to the present day and we find out that the same bully is in Hawaii to check on a mill that he owns which is run by his son. While in town, Willy signed up for the club's fencing tournament. He will be facing off against Higgins in the first match, much like they did back in England as tweens. Furthermore, we also find out that Willy had married Jonathan's onetime love interest, Velma, portrayed by Dana Wynter(who was last on Magnum only eleven episodes prior as the Murdering actress in "Double Jeopardy"). When th...